Chefs for PATH fundraiser is on April 12th at the Bloomington Center for Performing Arts! Doors open at 5pm and the event starts at 6pm
Come out and enjoy some delicious food for a great cause! The fundraiser helps PATH’s Free 24/7 United Way 211 call center provide access to human services.
The Restaurants and Chef’s participating this year are Reality Bites – Chef Jake, Baxter’s – Chef Gage, Biaggi’s – Chef Troy,Epiphany Farms – Chef Stu, Welbrook – Chef Richard. Not only that, but there will be a cash bar, sample tasting, silent and live auction, and a live cook-off voted on by the attendees.
Tickets are available at $75/ticket or $600/table. Call Samantha Herrell at 309.834.0507 for more details or tickets.