Brett Young is an avid golfer, and it turns out he’s also an avid fan of golf clothing, to the point that he has started collecting it. He says, “My wife, it drives her crazy. Mostly it drives her crazy because we live in a golf community where there’s no dress code, and so I have golf shirts from every course I’ve ever played, but I wear T-shirts on our golf course.”
The fact that Brett never wears the shirts he buys makes no sense to Brett’s wife Taylor. “She’s like, ‘Why do you keep buying golf shirts if you’re not gonna wear ‘em?’ I’m like, ‘Cause I collect ‘em. They’ve got the logo of the place that I played.’ And so yeah, I definitely can’t play a new course without buying a shirt and it drives her bananas.”
Considering Brett has his own Caliville clothing line, perhaps one day he will add his own line of golf clothing, and he can call his collection of golf shirts “research.”