Tim McGraw is the proud father of three daughters with Faith Hill – 25-year-old Gracie, Maggie, who turns 24 in August and Audrey, who’s 20. We asked Tim if he sees any particular qualities of himself in his daughters, and he said, “It’s funny because Faith and I’ve talked about that a little bit, and I think we see each other in all three of ‘em. There’s little parts of us in all three of ‘em.”
Tim is especially proud that he and Faith have raised three incredible young women. “They’re all completely different creatures,” he says, “but they all have big hearts, and they all are very polite and they really respect people, and they all feel like they wanna make a difference in the world. Hopefully we’ve instilled that into them.”
While Tim hopes his and Faith’s influence has played a part in shaping his daughters into the young women they are today, he’s also proud of the fact that they haven’y been overbearing or too pushy. “We’ve always also given them the opportunity to sort of explore themselves and find out who they are and try things.”
The McGraw daughters all seem to be thriving, with Gracie pursuing acting and singing on Broadway, Maggie received her master’s degree from Stanford and is now working on Capitol Hill in Washington D.C., and Audrie is a successful fashion model and aspiring actress.