Brett Young’s two daughters have unique names, Presley (turns three in October) and Rowan (one-year-old). However, Brett says that he cannot take credit for coming up with the names.
“I love their names. I wish I had a better story than, my wife is awesome and I let her decide. But that’s pretty much what it comes down to. Everybody thinks that Presley is an Elvis thing, and my wife grew up in Seattle and couldn’t tell you one Elvis song. It has nothing to do with that. She just loved that name. And, if I’m being completely honest, I wanted to go with a family name. My great grandpa was Charles, my dad‘s middle name is Charles, my middle name is Charles, and I wanted to go with Charlie. And I fought really hard for Charlie with the first girl, and my wife just wasn’t feelin’ it, and she picked Presley and she was right. The second Presley was born she looked like a Presley. I knew she was right. With the second baby I remembered very clearly how I felt when I knew there was no way I was gonna get a say in naming the first child. So, I stayed out of it with the second one, and she ended up picking up my favorite in the list that we were considering. So, I feel like I kind of won because I learned how to play the game with Rowan. But we loved it and it was a family name, and it was my favorite, so I shut up about it and she ended up picking it. And so, it was a fun win there.”
Who picked the names of your children?
By: Buck Stevens