Brett Young‘s oldest daughter Presley will turn three on October 21st. His other daughter Rowan is 14 months. So, up to this point he and his wife, Taylor, have been parenting two kids, two and under … and it has been a little exhausting.
“Like anybody that’s had two under two, we’re tired. But everybody’s healthy and happy, and so there’s really nothin’ to complain about. I haven’t met a single parent in the world, that started their family before me, that doesn’t look at me when I say I’m tired and be like, ‘Join the club.‘ This is not new. I’m not reinventing the wheel here, and it’s okay. You have to give yourself a little grace and have moments where you wanna pull your hair out, and that’s okay. You can’t feel bad about it as long as you just keep reminding yourself that you’re blessed and you’re fortunate. We’re livin’ the dream.”
Brett is so completely in love with his daughters that lack of sleep is nothing compared to the joy and happiness they bring to his life.