CandyStore.com has once again listed the “most popular” Halloween candy by state.
The site used 15 years’ worth of historical sales data from Halloween. They also consulted with “major” candy manufacturers and distributors. They then created the list of top three candies for Halloween in each state.
Candy Store’s own executives said, “It’s insane that every single state is not Reese’s Cups. That alone is shocking enough, but some of the actual favorites from each state defy rational taste bud-ology.”
The results suggest that trick-or-treaters can expect to find plenty of Reese’s Cups, Skittles and M&M’s in their candy stash this year.
Some of the less-picked candy includes Skittles, Lemonheads, Swedish Fish, Jolly Ranchers, Tootsie Pops, Hot Tamales, and Blow Pops.
The top three Halloween candies in Illinois according to CandyStore.com are: Sour Patch Kids (#1), Kit Kat (#2) and Starburst (#3).
To see a state-by-state breakdown, go to CandyStore.com.
Do you agree with the top three Halloween candies listed for your state?
By: Buck Stevens