Halloween is just over three weeks away. Do you know what candy you plan to buy to please the little Trick-Or-Treaters?
According to StudyFinds.org there are five candies that will make sure the little ghosts, superheroes, princesses, minions and whatnot will speak favorably about your house. The list below is based on rankings from 10 different experts. (What makes them “experts” is not revealed.)
1. Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups . . . Many “candy experts” rank Reese’s high on their list for their perfect size and packaging. And somehow, they taste even better when you freeze them.
2. Twix . . . As texture goes, Twix bars hit the right note every time: Never too dry, never too chewy, and never too creamy.
3. Sour Patch Kids . . . First they’re sour, then they’re sweet . . . and there’s a palatable chewiness, but they won’t get stuck in your teeth.
4. Snickers . . . It’s easily the heartiest of all candy bars: Nougat, caramel, nuts, and chocolate represent pretty much every “candy” food group.
5. Starburst . . . Sweet, chewy, and just the right size . . . but some colors are better than others. Experts love Pink, but Starburst wouldn’t make this list if it was just a pack full of orange ones.
What is your favorite candy at Halloween?
By: Buck Stevens