Justin Moore has four kids – Ella (12), Kennedy (turns 11 November 22nd), Klein (8) and South (5). The two youngest have been testing out their costumes for Halloween according to Justin.

“Yeah, as a matter of fact, I was doin’ the radio show this morning, and South came in my office, and he’s like, ‘Dad, dad!’ I’m like, ‘Yeah, son, what?’ He goes, ‘Can I put my Flash Gordan costume on?’ I’m like, ‘Yes, I don’t care!’ So, he’s going to be Flash Gordon for Halloween at school because they can’t do anything scary. And then he wants to be, I think it was The Hulk he wants to be for actual Halloween, maybe. And then Klein wants to be something from a Disney movie that was like only on TV called The Descendants. There’ll be other parents out there that know. But they’re the children of Disney princesses or villains. So, she’s the descendent of the wicked somethin’ on somethin’. I don’t even know what. But as far as the older ones, I don’t know what they’re gonna be. I haven’t heard really much from them.”
While Justin hated Halloween himself as a kid, he’s learned to enjoy it a little more through the eyes of his children.
Have your kids already worn their costumes for Halloween yet?
By: Buck Stevens