Thomas Rhett Learned Multi-Tasking is Not the Best Approach for His Life Anymore

Thomas Rhett
Thomas Rhett (Photo courtesy of BMLG/Credit: John Shearer)

Thomas Rhett spent several months on the road this year with his “Bring the Bar to You Tour.” Even as he celebrated his 10th year as an artist in 2022, Thomas talks about the valuable lessons he learned that he plans to implement in 2023.

“I think I learned balance this year. Before I had kids, I was kind of unstoppable. Like, I could go on the road and write all day long, do the show, hang out till 4 o’clock in the morning, wake up, do it all again. And then this year, it kinda got the best of me a little bit. I think I tried to pack way too much into a three day run. Whereas next year, I think I’m gonna at least try to compartmentalize all my different job flows. So like, if we’re gonna write, let’s just write. If we’re gonna play shows, let’s make sure that the show is the focus. And if we’re gonna be dad, let’s make sure that being dad is the focus, and not try to do it all at the same time. I think that’s the biggest thing I learned this year.”

That means when Thomas brings his ‘Home Team Tour 23″ to the Peoria Civic Center Friday, May 5th, we can expect him to be focused on doing the best show he can for us! Get your tickets here!

By: Buck Stevens