We are three days into 2023 … have you stuck to your resolution?
A poll conducted as the new year approached found that 37% of us planned on making a New Year’s Resolution for 2023. Below are the top 10 resolutions according to that poll…
10) Learn something new
9) Spend more time with family
8) Improve your mental health
7) Pay down debt
6) Try to be happier in general
5) Lose some weight
4) Eat better
3) Work out more
2) Be healthier in general (So four of the top five are about health)
1) Save money (That was hard to do last year thanks to things like inflation)
The poll also found that nobody who makes a resolution expects to fail at it. In fact, 87% said they believed they would follow through with their resolution.
Did you make a New Year’s Resolution for 2023? What was it?
By: Buck Stevens