Last night (5/15) the Top 8 on season 23 of The Voice performed in the Live Semi-Finals. Central Illinois girl Gina Miles did a great job!
Gina has become the pride of Paxton, IL as she has traversed the singing competition. She was one of two artists from Team Niall in the Semi-Finals last night.
Gina picked the song “All I Want” by Kodaline as her semi-final performance (above).
The performance got her voted through to the finals next week. Niall Horan promised that they have “something incredible” planned for Gina’s Finals performance.
I am a bit torn. Since this is Blake Shelton’s final season I really want him to get his 10th win as a coach. However, I really want our local girl Gina to win. I guess I will just have to see how it all plays out next week.
(Feature photo credit: YouTube)
By: Buck Stevens