Following his arrest on Monday night (January 22), Chris Young was taken into custody at the Dawg House on Demonbreun Street in downtown Nashville at approximately 8:30 p.m.
At the time of the arrest, TABC agents were conducting compliance checks in the area. Young’s attorney, Bill Ramsey, is requesting that the Tennessee Alcoholic Beverage Commission issue an apology to Young following his arrest.
A camera behind the bar captured the incident from a different perspective. While Young does not appear to touch the agent, the agent’s push and the singer’s fall are evident.
Chris stumbles backwards, falls against the bar corner, and loses his balance, landing on the floor. Young then stands up with his hands raised, drawing attention from customers and TACB agents.
After being charged with disorderly conduct, assaulting an officer, and resisting arrest, Young was freed on bond on Tuesday morning (January 23) and will face trial in February.
Should Chris Young have been arrested? Should TABC apologize?