This weekend is the start of Daylight Saving Time. We change the clocks (well, the ones like in our cars that don’t adjust themselves) and lose an hour of sleep on Saturday night.
Here are four other things you should ALSO do this weekend . . .
1. Change Smoke Alarm Batteries
You should change the batteries at least once a year. Doing it the during Daylight Saving Time weekend when you change your clocks is a good way to remember to do it.
2. Check Your Emergency Kit
Again, it’s a good thing to regularly make sure nothing has expired in your Emergency Kit. If you don’t have an Emergency Kit, this weekend would be a good time to make one.
3. Fridge, Pantry and Medicine Cabinet Clean Out
If you no longer use it or it has expired, dispose of it. If it is expiring soon, use it.
4. Flip Bed Mattress
To avoid uneven wear, many mattresses encourage flipping them during the year once or twice. Again, doing it the same weekend you change your clocks helps make it easier to remember to get it done.
By: Buck Stevens