Best Food to Bring to Summer Outing

Several kinds of food
(Photo credit: YouTube)

We are right in the middle of summer. If you are going to a summer outing you may want to know what is the best food to bring with you. Apparently, it depends on what kind of outing you are going to. shared their “editor-approved” foods to bring to four typical summer outings.

Beach, Lake or Pool
You should take along fresh cut fruit in a cooler. It tastes good cold, helps in hydration and replenish your energy with sugars.

Baseball Game
Some MLB stadiums allow you to bring your own food. If they do, bring along some salty snacks like nuts and party mix, or some small sandwiches you make at home. These suggestions can also be good for any level of baseball from T-Ball to pro.

Outdoor Concert
Bring along easy foods to eat like a hoagie or wrap. If the location allows alcohol, bring something that is not in a glass container for safety reasons.

Most people feel they have to make the food for this at home. However, picking up a bucket of chicken or some takeout sandwiches should not be underrated as an option.

By: Buck Stevens