Cooking Hack: Add Seltzer Water to Your Scrambled Eggs

scrambled eggs cooking in a skillet
(Photo credit: YouTube)

I’ll admit, this may sound like one of those crazy TikTok trends that you shouldn’t trust. However, there are experts that say it really works.

If you want to serve up the best scrambled eggs ever, add some seltzer water to your mix. Apparently, the bubbles will make them airier and fluffier.

Now don’t water them down. Just a teaspoon per every two eggs in your mix will do the trick. It works because the bubbles quickly expand from the heat and fluff everything up. 

Also, make sure you are using plain seltzer water. If you use a flavored seltzer water it will make your eggs taste odd. White Claw may sound like a fun idea, but avoid those as well.

By: Buck Stevens