Have We All Been Putting Bags in Trash Cans Wrong All Along? [VIRAL VIDEO]

A person putting a trash bag in a trash can
(Photo credit: YouTube)

There is a TikTok that is going viral because the woman claims we have all been putting trash bags in wrong.

The video states, “I was today years old when I found out garbage bags come inside out in the box.” She claims if you put the bag on the can around the top edge (like a hat), then push it down in the bag is “right side up.”

Is she correct? Like so many TikTok videos, no she is not correct. Her way does avoid the need to shake air into the bag before putting it in. I would argue if you look at the bag’s construction, the way the seams around the edge look they come in the box with the inside in.

The Hefty company responded to the same claim a few years ago. They reposted a video in 2021 with the same claim commenting, “There’s no wrong way to line a trash bin.”

By: Buck Stevens