Poll Finds Parents Bribe Their Kids to Eat Healthy

Two kids eating
(Photo credit: YouTube)

A poll found that most parents bride their kids to eat their vegetables. The most common item used to bribe them? Junk food!

The website swnsdigital.com reports that in a poll of 1,000 parents the top way we get our kids to eat healthy things is through bribing them with something they want. The top four things we bribe them with are unhealthy foods.

  1. Ice cream
  2. Chocolate
  3. Other sweets
  4. Pudding
  5. Extra video game time

Also making the list were new toys, extra phone time and staying up late.

The poll also found that for the most part parents are pushovers on the subject. When there is an argument about it 51% said that their kid “always wins”. 78% of those polled say they feel like it is a huge accomplishment when their kid does NOT put up a fight over it.

How do you get your kids to eat healthy things?

By: Buck Stevens

Buck Stevens