What is Something That Leaves You in Awe Every Time You See It?

A Sunset
A Sunset (Photo credit: Buck Stevens)

video games, the internet, smart phones and high-definition televisions are pretty impressive. However, they have all become common place.

Somebody on online (using the amazing internet) asked people, “What is something you have seen multiple times, but you’re still in awe every time?”

Here are some of the best responses to the question…

  • Mountains
  • The Ocean
  • Fall Foliage
  • The Night Sky on a Clear Evening
  • An Eclipse
  • Airplanes Taking Off and Landing
  • Looking Out the Window of an Airplane
  • Pregnancy and Childbirth
  • The Aurora Borealis (aka “Northern Lights”)
  • Sunrises and Sunsets

Did you notice that all of those responses except the airplane ones were made by nature, not man? Well, I guess the “pregnancy and childbirth” are kind of man made… 😳

By: Buck Stevens

Buck Stevens