2017 Radio Bloomington Polar Plunge

2017 Polar Plunge for Special Olympics Illinois

Support Special Olympics Illinois and join the signature event of winter! Each “Plunger” must raise a minimum of $100 to participate and take this icy dip. All Plungers will receive the official Polar Plunge hooded sweatshirt, entry into the Post-Plunge Party, plus the chance to win additional prizes for raising more money.

2017 Polar Plunge Bloomington
February 25, 2016
Miller Park Lake, Bloomington

There will be 2 Plunge times and 2 registrations – one for each plunge. The Plunge times are as follows:

  • The first Plunge is for teams with over 25 Plungers. Registration is at 9:00 am and the plunge begins at 10:30 am.
  • The second Plunge is for all other teams and individual Plungers. Registration is at 10:30 am and the plunge begins at noon.

We encourage all NASH Icon listeners to join our Radio Bloomington team and take the “plunge” with us.

Register Here to become a Radio Bloomington Team Member. When you register and set up your personal fundraising page, you will be asked whether you would like to join a team. At that point, search Radio Bloomington in the search box and join our team.

Already have a group? CREATE YOUR OWN TEAM.

If you do not wish to take the “plunge”,  you can support Special Olympics Illinois by donating to those who do.

Donate to any Radio Bloomington Team Member.